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Under the bonnet of the Crofton Scout Group website

This is a  list of the third party tools and components that have been used to create the current version of the Crofton Scout Group website . Template design - the structure of the website is built using a Google Blogger template Web domain. The URL "" is registered with 123 Reg  for a cost of  just under £12 per year Photo Gallery provided by SmugMug Group e-mail addresses are assigned and managed within the Google G Suite Group logo has been provided by the Scout brand centre
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Scout website review

Some notes gathered whilst researching options.... What do we want to change? meeting dates (not times/locations) on "front page"? Essential website elements hosting domain name CMS (Content Management System) Alternative solution - what do other scout groups use? Scouting Themes 4 WordPress  - Scouting Themes 4 WordPress - free template system designed by and used by scout groups - " This website exists to provide WordPress themes designed within the brand guidelines of the Scout Association for use by all Scouting organisations in the UK, from individual sections, to groups, districts and counties/areas. The aim of these themes is to allow Scouting webmasters to focus on the content of their site and on Scouting in general rather than on trying to design a website theme ." Hosting is EXTRA! - maybe use DreamHost  -  - £50 p.a. (?)  Example -  https://www.9thnort

Content is everything

" The hard bit of creating a website is writing lots of interesting content that people will want to read. Putting up a website is not difficult but keeping it up to date with interesting content certainly is. " Wise words from an EScouts member: p=415461&viewfull=1#post415461

Using Pages and Labels within Google Blogger

Pages We can use Pages  for consistent content like “About” or “Contact.” Pages can appear on the blog as tabs at the top or links on the side. Labels  Each blog entry can be assigned one or more labels. If we re-use the same set of labels we can then filter the blog postings to restrict the entries displayed to match the selected filter.  

Blog posting whilst mobile

Blogger can still be edited using iOS via the Chrome APP.  Below are the directions for access Blogger on iOS Mobile Devices: Download  GOOGLE CHROME APP  . 1) Go to  using the Google Chrome Browser 2) Click the More Actions Icon (3 vertical dots on the right side of Chrome Browser) 3) Click Request Desktop Site 4) Click blog title 5) Click Post & Edit Example image You can also insert Photo using an iPad 1) Click the Image Icon in the post 2) Click from this blog 3) Click the Picasa Web Albums Link in the sentence below the add image choices      a) Click Uploads NOTE:  This will allow the user to upload files from the iPad, iCloud, Google Drive, and various other cloud storage

Life without free hosting

Four over four years now I have enjoyed free hosting for my local sout group's HTML-based website, courtesy of Escouts. I have also experimented with the many free applications offered by Google, including Blogger. As treasurer of the scout group, which has limited funds, I could never contemplate paying for software or hosting, choosing instead to make use of any free facilities on offer. Sadly, in late May the Escouts service suffered technical problems from which they have yet to recover, the result being that they are currently unable to supply hosting services. I had often thought that, if I were to build another website, I would see what could be achieved using Blogger as the main tool. Now is my chance to find out.....